
I'm Catriona. 
(Pronounced Cat-ree-oh-nah)

I'm 23 years old and live in Newcastle, UK.

I currently work in a restaurant and also study psychology with criminology at university.

I have two main passions in life: cats and makeup. I have 4 cats (and a dog), although they don't all live with me and I have lots of makeup. I have never worked as a makeup artist, and would prefer that it stays as a hobby, rather than a career. I just enjoy experimenting and exploring different brands to find whatever works best for me. 

I have started this blog to offer different makeup looks, product reviews, hauls, tips and tricks and just a general outlet for my passion. Other than makeup and beauty products I'll also be offering little snippets of my life: film reviews, events and just anything that I feel like writing about. More than anything this blog is just for me to write about things I love, and if other people wanted to read it too, that would be a bonus.

All links to my social media are in the column on the right, feel free to follow me.

Thanks for reading, 



Catriona Yasmin Bathan. All rights reserved. BLOG DESIGN BY Labinastudio.